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Prakash Divas: Sikh celebration, marking Sikh Gurus's birth

Prakash Divas

"Prakash Divas (Birthday)" in Sikhism refers to the celebration of the birth anniversary of Sikh Gurus, the founder of Sikhism. "Prakash" means "illumination" or "light," and "Divas" means "day" or "celebration" in Punjabi. Therefore, Prakash Divas (Birthday) is a day of illumination and celebration, commemorating the birth of Sikh Gurus.

The celebration typically involves special prayers, hymn recitals (kirtan), processions (nagar kirtan), readings from the Guru Granth Sahib (the holy scripture of Sikhism), and Langar (Free Community Kitchen). It's a time for Sikhs to reflect on Guru Nanak Dev Ji's teachings of equality, compassion, and service to humanity.

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